To Yeet, or Not to Yeet

That’s the question we’re here to answer today! We all know the feeling. You look around at your plants and see, despite your best efforts, those one or two that just won’t thrive or simply don’t spark joy. A lot of us feel a little guilty at the thought of throwing away a plant, even when we’re not really that attached to it. So what should you do when you have a plant that doesn’t please you?


Yeet the plant! The first, simplest option that often inspires the Feelings of Guilt. Don’t feel badly about it, though, because it’s normal and it happens to all of us at some point. We’ve even seen funny videos made by our members to memorialize the occasion. (It’s also totally okay to ask another member of your household to do the dirty work, and avert your eyes — I’ve done it.)

Photo credit: chadmiller on / CC BY-SA

Propagate the plant. If your plant just needs a fresh start, try propagating it rather than tossing the whole thing. I just did this with a particularly stubborn Hoya compacta. If you’re not sure how, check in with other Hobbyists in our Mesh community or our Facebook group for tips and tricks!

prop station.jpg

Trade the plant. If there’s nothing wrong with the plant other than the fact that you feel “meh” about it, ask your plant friends if anyone wants to trade – or simply give the plant away and make room for a new one. Check out groups like HPH Buy Sell Trade to find other plant people who might want to swap.


Craft the plant. Go with us here – House Plant Hobbyist has tons of very creative members who use plants not only as inspiration, but as components in art pieces. Maybe you can’t keep the plant, but you can try your hand at pressing leaves or incorporating the plant into other crafty projects.

Photo by Cary Bates on Unsplash

Photo by Cary Bates on Unsplash


What do you do with plants you no longer love? Let us know in the comments, or connect with our global plant community on Mesh or Facebook!